I’m a huge fan of the series. Personally, I would have been fine with them ending the franchise with Terminator 2. Part three truly was the lead into Part 4. And the television show is a nice filler between part 2 and part 3. But part 4 starts off confusing.
If you never watch the television show, then parts of the movie don’t make sense. I didn’t understand some characters and if they were terminators or not. Where does this sit in the timeline? For half of the movie, I was just confused. I’m so glad that I had a good friend who watched the show and filled me in.
In part 4, Skynet was trying to kill Kyle Reese, who if you watched the first Terminator, you know is John Conner’s father. Kyle and John were friends and Kyle volunteered to go back into time to save Sarah Conner. By killing Kyle, then John wouldn’t exist. But that’s wrong wouldn’t John still be alive since someone else impregnated Sarah originally, and there isn’t any proof that John really is Kyle’s. She could have already been pregnant. So many questions, No answers.
I can’t say that it was a bad movie, it was just okay. You have to see it on the big screen to appreciate it. But when you walk out, you know they are going to make part 5. And as a good friend said, “Maybe just like the new Batman franchise, the sequel will be a lot better than the one before it.” I pray so!
Grade: B -
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