My new saying for 2009 is “You can’t make Diamonds out of Crap”. Well sad to say this is also the theme for Angels and Demons. Okay, the movie wasn’t total crap, but it was close to it.
In 2006, I remember being very excited to see Da Vinci Code. There was so much hype about the movie plus the controversy with the Catholic Church it was a must see! Being Catholic, I had to know what the talk was all about. Did this movie really shake some people’s faith? I went and well if you’ve seen the movie, you know that there was no reason to be upset or even excited about the movie. So when I saw the trailer for Angels and Demons, I again was a little excited but I was also a little nervous. Would A&D be better than DVC?
The answer is kinda. You would think that with Tom Hanks, an Oscar Winning actor and Ron Howard, an Oscar Winning director there should be MAGIC on the screen. Instead of being David Copperfield magic, we got the magician from Frosty The Snowman cartoon! There was no real excitement.
One of the things that make a movie great is if you start to care about the characters. There should be someone you are rooting for. You want that person to live and someone else to die. In A&D, there wasn’t any of that. The audience never really got to care about anybody when the action started. In any ‘who done-it’, you should want the bad guy to be caught or killed or that great battle between good and evil. That never really happened.
It was like watching a bad episode of Scooby-Doo. After a point, you ran out of characters so you knew who the villain was and you really didn’t care. There was the connection that was missing. No chemistry between anyone. Midway into the movie, I asked my cousin “is it almost over?” And she answered, “I wish”. And that’s a major problem! No one cheered or laughed or anything during the movie. We all sat like zombies wondering…“I spent money on this?”
Go see it? Not unless you are really bored and have money to spend. Again, Angels and Demons was better than the Da Vinci Code. The action was better and the plot was better but over all…A waste of time.
Grade: C
I agree, the movie was ok, better than DVC, more action, but I think that it had a suprising ending. Ron Howard did throw a curve at the end the bad guy was not who I thought it was. But all in all its a take it or leave it movie. C is a good grade for it.