I didn't know if you had heard about this, so I thought I'd pass it a long to you.
Do you always get mad when you watch the American Film Institutes Top 100 films and only see maybe one or two black films? Well here is your chance to vote for OUR films.

(1909 - 2009)
To vote go to www.naacptop100.com
To celebrate a century of influential multicultural films, the NAACP and Blockbuster Inc. are teaming up to present NAACP Top 100 Films of the Century: 100 Years, 100 Films (1909-2009). Now through April 27th, the public can be a part of history by visiting www.naacptop100.com to rate films by, for or about people of color, primarily African Americans, that have significantly impacted our culture and society. The resulting film collection, which will be announced in June, and is being assembled in honor of the NAACP's 100th anniversary which began the year long celebration on Thursday, February 12th.
All movie fans are invited to the online rating site to make their voices heard in the selection of the final collection of 100 films to be announced this summer.
Article Headline
Browse Films and Events
Browse the Films and Events section decade by decade and select a favorite film you have seen to rate it or find out more information about it. Don't forget to check out the events going on at the time the film was released.
Rate Your Films
Let your voice be heard! Slide the bar to rate your selection. After you rate your selection you can see how others rated the same film. Check back in June to see which films made the NAACP Top 100 Films of the Century.
Rent Films You Want to Watch
Did you discover a highly rated film that you haven't seen yet? Or did you remember a film you loved, but you haven't seen in a while? Get the films you want right here.
Find out more on how the NAACP Top 100 Films works at www.naacptop100.com.
Make your opinion count! By rating films you are helping draw attention to the influence of people of color, primarily African Americans, in film. You can rate a film on any page anytime you see film art. To rate a film; simply click on the film art. Then slide the rating bar to represent your rating. After you rate your selection you can see how others rated the same film. Check back in June to see which films made the NAACP Top 100 Films of the Century.
Find out more on how to rate a film at www.naacptop100.com.
We've pulled together an A+ list of directors, professors and film historians and asked them to compile a list of influential films that have debuted in the past 100 years. The panel includes Spike Lee, Stan Lathan, Reuben Cannon, Robi Reed and more. Find a film you haven't seen or a favorite you want to see again.
Time is running out!
Cast your vote for the
NAACP Top 100 Films of the Century (1909 - 2009)
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