From the director of Die Hard 2 and the producer of Speed comes a movie that is truly in the image of those movies. I don’t know much about WEE Superstar, Jon Cena. Can he act? Well from the trailer, he does okay but he doesn’t have that excitement of Bruce Willis or even Kenu Reeves but hey, who can resist a good action movie. This movie has a lot of potentional.

Just like the 1982 hit movie Poltergeist, why does a family stay in a haunted house when the house tells them to get out? I mean…maybe I’m just a scared cat but if my son was covered all over with a bunch of words, I think my family would be gone. We’d take the lost and roll out!

You can't tell me that this movie doesn't look cute! Every kid will be begging their parents to take them to see it. It looks like it will have some good laughs for adults too, I just hope that it's not too grown for kids ie Shrek!

I’m a big Sarah Jessica Parker fan and I’m excited to see her in a movie that uses her acting skills. Spinning into Butter isn’t a new concept. How many times have we seen the race battle on a college campus and the white students don’t consider themselves raciest. Hum…the movie that did this the best was School Ties but that wasn’t about race but religion. The concept was similar. Let’s see if this movie brings a different view of the issue.

This is one of those off beat movies that you’ll love. The same producers of Little Miss Sunshine also produced Sunshine Cleaning. I wonder if they have something about Sunshine? Anyway. It looks like a movie that will get a lot of attention, but I think they brought it out a little to early in the year for award consideration. Oh well, got to love Amy Adams anyway.

There are those movies that look so formula that you wonder why was it made? Will it have that twist in it that will make it stand out or is just the same-o-same-o movie? Well to me, The Education of Charlie Banks is one of those movies. It is directed by rocker Fred Durst which if I was a fan that would be exciting but it’s not. From the trailer, I’m going to watch it on cable, on a Sunday afternoon.
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