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Adventureland looks like one of those movies at is going to be GREAT on cable and just okay in the theaters. Yes I realize that Adventureland is by the same people who made Superbad. This movie has a lot of the same elements as Superbad, so it might be good. Keyword…MIGHT. I say save you money and wait.
It’s finally time for this movie!! I can’t wait! It’s been a while since I’ve been excited to see a movie but I can’t wait to see this one. Work it Paul and Vin! Hopefully, this movie will help both of your careers!
Let me start off by saying that I am a Mary J. Blige fan but I must say that she is not an actress! I am very insulted for all of the actresses out there who have worked hard, are paying their dues and then they look and see Mary in the next Tyler Perry movie. She’s playing Tanya in his new movie, I Can Do Dad All By Myself. The movie stars Taraji P. Henson. What? Dude…Mary CAN’T ACT!!! Again don’t get me wrong, I like her music but if you’ve EVER listen to her talk? She is very…what’s the word I’m looking for…deadpan that it will drive you crazy!! Has Tyler ever seen her act? Watch 5 minutes of Prison Song and you’ll understand. Tyler has the power to help out so may young struggling actress that need that 5 minutes of fame. Does he not realize how someone’s career can go from “who’s that” to “oh yeah I love blah blah”. Ask Lamman Rucker. Yeah, some of us knew him from As The World Turns, All My Children and Half & Half but people knew his name after Why Did I Get Married? hit theaters. Think of all of the actresses that could have taken that role and rocked it. What Meagan Goode could have done with it or Robinne Lee (Cressida from Hitch) or Rachel True (Half & Half) or even Victoria Dillard (Spin City)! This is for Tyler and every other directors out there, just because they a Grammy Award winning singer, does not make them an actor or actress. Two different worlds! Two TOTALLY different worlds!!
From the director of Die Hard 2 and the producer of Speed comes a movie that is truly in the image of those movies. I don’t know much about WEE Superstar, Jon Cena. Can he act? Well from the trailer, he does okay but he doesn’t have that excitement of Bruce Willis or even Kenu Reeves but hey, who can resist a good action movie. This movie has a lot of potentional.
Just like the 1982 hit movie Poltergeist, why does a family stay in a haunted house when the house tells them to get out? I mean…maybe I’m just a scared cat but if my son was covered all over with a bunch of words, I think my family would be gone. We’d take the lost and roll out!
You can't tell me that this movie doesn't look cute! Every kid will be begging their parents to take them to see it. It looks like it will have some good laughs for adults too, I just hope that it's not too grown for kids ie Shrek!
I’m a big Sarah Jessica Parker fan and I’m excited to see her in a movie that uses her acting skills. Spinning into Butter isn’t a new concept. How many times have we seen the race battle on a college campus and the white students don’t consider themselves raciest. Hum…the movie that did this the best was School Ties but that wasn’t about race but religion. The concept was similar. Let’s see if this movie brings a different view of the issue.
This is one of those off beat movies that you’ll love. The same producers of Little Miss Sunshine also produced Sunshine Cleaning. I wonder if they have something about Sunshine? Anyway. It looks like a movie that will get a lot of attention, but I think they brought it out a little to early in the year for award consideration. Oh well, got to love Amy Adams anyway.
There are those movies that look so formula that you wonder why was it made? Will it have that twist in it that will make it stand out or is just the same-o-same-o movie? Well to me, The Education of Charlie Banks is one of those movies. It is directed by rocker Fred Durst which if I was a fan that would be exciting but it’s not. From the trailer, I’m going to watch it on cable, on a Sunday afternoon.
Is it just me or does this movie remind you a lot of Mr. & Mrs. Smith but not as sexy? This actually might make it better. Hum…I must say I do love Julia Roberts showing her sarcastic side. Another plus is the chemistry between Julia and Clive Owens. It should be a good movie. I’m not saying great but good. Worth…Matinee.
This is one of those movies that you’ll laugh a lot but paying full price might make you cry. If you try to go see another movie and it’s sold out and end up see this for free cool. But pay for it? Don’t. Wait until DVD. Don’t run to see it.
I love sci-fi movies. But what I love is ones that make sense. I’m not sure if this one does, but to watch Nicolas Cage try is always fun. Pay full price? Not to sure about that one, but matinee wouldn’t be as painful. I hope.
The plot of this movie is basicly a remake of the 1972 Wes Craven cult classic. Will it be as good as the original? Not sure since Craven is listed in the screenwriters but you never know. Can’t say that I’m running to see it, I think I’ll wait for the DVD.
This is truly a Saturday afternoon watching cable movie. It looks like a lot of laughs but nothing that you would pay for. I say wait on this one.
If you’re over 30, I bet you saw the trailer for this movie and thought – “I remember this movie”. Well you kinda do. This is a remake of the 1975 movie, Escape to Witch Mountain. Instead of being chased by a crazy millionaire, the kids are being chased by an evil organization that wants to harness their powers. Of course this will have a lot more action and special effects. It should be a good movie for the family with a lot of flash back for the adults. Rent Escape then take the kids to see Race so they know that Hollywood has very few ‘new’ ideas.
13B Not sure really what this is about. I know it’s a horror movie, but that’s all I can figure out. I don’t know who or what is killing people? Where they are being killed? Or anything. All I know is that Fear has a new address. I found that out from the end of the trailer.
Everlasting Moments This one of those movies that when you see it on cable, you’ll be like… “That movie was good. I wonder why it didn’t come to theaters.” It was nominated for a Golden Globe. I can’t promise that I’ll see it at the theater, but I do look forward to seeing it on cable.
Phoebe in Wonderland I don’t really get this movie, but it stars Elle Fanning who is the little sister of Dakota Fanning. If she’s half as good as her sister, she should be worth watching even if the movie is crap.
Sherman’s Way One of those quirky little movies that will get all kinds of awards and you’ll go HUH? Yeah. Screams cable to me.
Watchmen NBC is promoting the crap out of this movie. I hope its half way as good as the promotion behind it.