Two years ago, I sat in a theater and watched Transformers. As exciting as the special effects were, the plot had holes big enough for Optimus Prime to drive through. So when it was time to go see the Transformers: The Rise of the Fallen, I was a bit nervous. I will say this much, the plot did have holes, but this time they weren’t as big. Maybe Bubble Bee could drive through them.
In the movie, they even stay that its 2 years later and Sam is going off to college on the East Coast. As he’s talking to his girlfriend, Mikaela, he gets the jacket out of the closet that he wore during the first movie. Something falls and it’s a piece of the ‘cube’! So you hadn’t been in your closet in 2 years? The jacket was in the front of the closet, and the piece was still there? But wait, here’s the crazy thing, the Decepticons are looking around the world for the piece. And when Sam finds it, it burns a hole in the floor and half of the house catches on fire, he doesn’t tell Bubble Bee or Optimus about the piece. He just gives it to his girlfriend and leaves for school. HUH? So many little things like that make you stop and scratch your head and go, WHAT?
Then there was the cursing. I wasn’t expecting the Transformers to have such foul mouths or be so raunchy. I just never expected to see a robot humping a girl’s leg or see a robot's testacies. Was that really necessary? The worst thing was when the twin robots, who were truly ethic (actually one kinda looked like Obama) said that they don’t do reading, “We’re not really down with that”. What? This movie truly isn’t for kids. If your child is under 15, don’t take them to see this movie. The sexual overlay and the bad language might have you answering questions that you aren’t ready to answer.
Was Transformers worth seeing? Yes, and you do have to see it on the big screen to get the full effect, but paying matinee will be a much better deal cause if you go at night, you might fall a sleep cause the movie is 2hrs and 3mins long. There will be a point where you’ll ask, is this movie over, yet? Please let this end! But you’ll enjoy it. I hope Transformers franchise isn’t like the X-Men movies. The first one was okay, the second one was really good and the third sucked. We’ll see.
Grade: B-
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